Thursday, August 22, 2013


“You can bring a horse to water but you can’t make it drink!” Have you heard this axiom? Do you agree with the precept of the metaphor? Disagree or have a different analysis? Which of these two words would you pick to describe yourself given a choice between only creative and conformist? I plugged in the allegory and interpretation resulting in the recognizable conformist showing up. Revelations of forcing events is a bad idea that doesn’t work.
Did you describe yourself with the word creative or agree with most of the recognizable conformists? How could there be another slant on this? Fasten your seat belts and get ready to step in to another mind that might have a different rate of deliver of electric impulses from synapse to synapse in the brain due to a higher or lower concentration of glucose dependent on the dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, glutamate, gamma-amino butyric acid and the other neurotransmitters. The last sentence is one hypothesis for the deviation in data ending with the slant on this metaphor but there are too many variables to account for in this scenario. Sandra Lynn Mallo Adcock’s mother and family always said Sandra was Sandra after all.
A slant of giving the horse an IV was a simple solution to a refusal on the beast’s part. Then this is no longer a metaphor you argue? Wait a moment! What this represents to me in “parable speak’ is people give up too easy. I actually had this conversation of late.
Poetry is an art I dabbled in the last five years for some therapeutic value. Stephen Nowicki and Marshall Duke wrote a book Helping the Child Who Doesn’t Fit In in which they coined the phrase dyssemia describing children that had trouble deciphering body language.
Learning about this and reading the book inspired me to write the poem posted below. Hopefully it allows you further glimpses of my thought process occurring forever turning over under top to left ear then right eye.
Dyssemic Society
Our OUR Society is going-the wrong way today.
Do we say what we mean? Do we mean what we say?
We have so much more,
Cell phones, cars, computers, cards for the atm. We have more things to give,
But cannot seem to live.
As a child,
I was seldom idle.
This did cause few to glimpse me with guile,
Yet, this never seemed to stop me from running miles.
Blessed to have my parents,
For they knew children’s rants,
Perfect they were not,
A safe bet for me, I am thankful for what I got.
Society says be yourself, But you must do it this way. Speak your mind,
But always be kind.
Everyone is not the same,
We must accept them.
But, we will put them,
In this special pen to meet their needs.
Be innovative.
Be motivated.
No boat rocking. No socking it to um.
Find one thing to focus on,
And do it good.
No, not that focused.
You have to right and give others a break.
You need to be right,
Search for the truth to get along.
Then it is wrong,
To be right and have to play get along.
Does anyone see the complexity,
Of this ridiculousness?
In the process of teaching one that is inflexible, To be flexible by being inflexible?
Is communication being imprecise,
The responsibility of most society?
The person or child that really does see all?
Or the society that says this is not right or cannot comprehend what the other sees?
Society says a child or person can’t, This person or child knows can. Seems that Society
Has a Dyssemic Condition to me.
Now imagine,
One that doesn’t know,
The how or why,
Behind his or her eye in the mind.
Then one day Society,
Says no this is the way.
Society’s Dyssemic Condition,
Often leads some to personal destruction and then blames it on personal dysfunction.
Are you ready to accompany me on my exploration of personal leadership? Did you fasten your seat belt? Let me thank you for your time you are taking to examine another person’s thoughts and perceptions about leadership on a personal and vocational/professional level as it relates to this management course.
Concepts to be inspected will be from the textbook Leadership Theory, Application & Skill Development. The Big Five which is a cluster of personality classifications to help zero in on management styles impacted on things within the clusters like communication. How to motivate, lead with and apply types of power in specified events and when participatory decision making with teams can be a drawback are some examples of things to mull over. Skill Assessment and Self-Assessment Exercises have been assigned as part of this examination process and the results will be discussed or referenced in an appendix.
Then nature of an organization’s culture and impression it can have on innovation is important. I will explain how this made me decide to withdraw going with a one man band show. I will wind up an explanation of my belief due to experiences in the end.
Throughout the class I have voiced a concern for the use of psychology in business. Putting a pretty face on politics concerns me. I see no way of legitimizing this process in an organization or justifying it. By the very process one person or party may lose generating negative feelings which can become engrained in the culture which is a powerful monster for good and bad.
I plan to expound on my distaste for having an ethics matrix to make decision and if my business to prospers I plan never to use these guides on instruments.

Classmates quotes from discussions and/or IGD may be used in this paper. Outside articles will be peppered in to break up the boredom. I hope this journey finds you with another view or concept to consider in the future as I have taken away from this course. It has been an extremely pleasant surprise to my expectations. My classmates and instructor have paraded their very “business soul” and it has been an honor to walk with them this semester. 

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