Saturday, August 24, 2013


SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Is there anything new under the sun? Some will say no others will argue technology advancements are. Proponents of the alien visitors to our ancient world and as either the inspiration for the building of the different pyramid styles or builder themselves disagree about the technology argument. I think society does have a DYSSEMIC CONDITION of wanting people and culture to be conformist. Basing business on a specific science that purports to have ethics but when confronted evades the issue is problematic to me. Facebook’s leader in the book and case is a people person and has built a culture great for people to work in where one would think ethics would prosper. This same corporation has been pulled on the carpet for privacy issues and pointing the finger via a third party. Two- facedness of the business and governmental organizations along with some of my working experiences kicked me into gear to try my hand at a home based business. I stand by my statement that having an ethics matric decision guide makes about as much sense as leaving a two year old toddler in an unfenced back yard to play alone. People have to have a basic moral/ethics/value system in place or taught to them in order to make decisions of this nature. A policy statement is a must if for nothing else than a person to know what can and can’t do in an organization. If an employee (member of your organization) has no moral compass then teach him/her the basics. If somebody has to use an ethics matrix then it obvious to me they have no basics. What are you or I going to do if it this person represents us and is in a compromising spot where a snap decision has to be made without a handy dandy ethics matrix decision? 12  STRENGHTS/WEAKNESS SWOT HOW TO LOOK AT THREATS/OPPOUTUNITIES S GENUINE, LOYAL, ABILITY TO TAKE FEEDBACK, RECOGNIZE WEAKNESS & IMPROVE ON THESE AREAS OR GET TALENT NEEDED, PASSION, DETERMINATION, TREAT PEOPLE FAIRLY, TALENTS IN VARIOUS AREAS, MAINTAIN CONNECTIONS FOR YEARS, SEEK TRUTH, SEE FAILURE AS CHANCE TO LEARN, P W PASSION SOMETIMES TURNS TOO EMOTIONAL, TOO HONEST, LACK OF ABILITY OR BITTER TASTE FOR FINNER PLAY OF POLITICALS OR GAME PLAYING IN ANY TYPE OF REALTIONSHIP, ABILITY TO READ PEOPLE OR BODY LANGUAGE AS GOOD AS MIGHT, LOST SOME OF MY WHAT THE TEXT CALLS SURGENCY WITH AGE 0 SEE THE LOSS OF TRUE CARING AND GENUINE INTRESTS IN PEOPLE AS CHANCE TO BUILD BUSINESS ON NICHE MARKETING AND USE EVERY SKILL DEVELOPED AND LEARNED IN LIFE IN PROCESS, HAVING NEVER TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF PEOPLE CAN NOW USE ALL LIFE CONNECTIONS TO GAIN IN ROADS TO ACCESS OF PEOPLE AND BUSINESSES BUT WITHOUT COMPROMISE T FEAR PEOPLE HAVE OF CHANGE, INDUSTRIES BUILD ON KEEPING INFORMATION THAT IS FREE REPRESSED, AND THOSE THAT HAVEN’T DONE THEIR JOB DO NOT WANT TO ROCK THE BOAT, EXPAINING CHEAPER WAYS OF DOING THINGS IS GOING TO RAISE MORE COMPETITION  INFER THERE ARE SOME THINGS TO WORK AROUND AND BE AWARE OF MY LIFE DOES DEPEND ON HAVING AN INCOME AND THE BAIC COSTS OF MY BUSINESS ARE FEW, THIS BUSINESS WILL HELP ME BE THERE FOR FAMILY

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